Cities: Skylines Challenge
- Due to a succesful debut, the Cities Skylines challenge will repeat on the first week of Q4! Join to build your city or cooperate with friends to compete for the best city!
- 19-04-2021 / 20:00 - 19-04-2021 / 23:00
- Online (link via subscription)
Due to a successful debut, the second SERVICE city builder challenge will take place. After studying hard in the exam weeks, new knowledge will be gained, knowledge that we can now apply in practice! This challenge is all about who can build the prettiest and best functioning city in 2.5 hours. There will also be a drink before and after the challenge. During the after challenge drink, the winner will be announced, who is guaranteed to experience a year of fame!
The city builder that will be used is called Cities: Skylines.
A short explanation for those unfamilliar with the game. Cities: Skylines is essentially a modern version of the well known Sim City games. The game is designed in such a way that the player can construct neighbourhoods and districts by means of “spatial planning”. These districts need to be supplied with all basic services. One important and extensive aspect is the infrastructure. When services and accessibility improve, the land value of the buildings will rise, and the city will grow in size. This basically simulates how cities develop in real life, although it has been simplified quite a bit.
You can play the challenge by yourself or you can cooperate in small groups. So if you want to join the challenge but do not have access to the game, you can subscribe to the activity and see who you can play with. Of course, it is also possible to buy the game. In case you do not know the other contestants and prefer not to buy the game, you can send us an e-mail in case you still want to join.
Preliminary knowledge:
Urban Planning I
Urban Planning II
Required software:
Cities Skylines (no expansions/DLCs neccesary)