Managing Place & Property

  • General info (Source: Osiris)
  • Quartile: 2
    Time Slot: C
    Course Type: Core Course
    Code: 7ZU3M0
    Responsible Lecturer: M. Weijs-Perrée
    ECTS: 5
    Exams: Yes
    Required courses:


    Course description:

    The transition from a sellers’ to a buyers’ market that has taken place in recent years in all sectors of real estate (offices, residential, retailing, etc.) has profound impacts for Real Estate Management and Development (REMD). Furthermore, new conditions and priorities need to be met. Sustainable transformation of existing stock, smart technology developments, innovating, collaborating and increasing transparency are thé challenges the REMD field is facing today. To introduce the basics of REMD, this course will first focus on the fundamentals of the field and the different perspectives offered by the key disciplines (management, economics, marketing and environmental psychology). Questions considered are: What is the real-estate management and development cycle? Which parties are involved and what are their roles and interests? How do real-estate management organizations and developers operate and where do the bursts and bubbles we often see in real-estate markets come from? How can we investigate consumer demands? How can we determine the value of real-estate properties? After having introduced the basics, the last series of lectures then will consider real estate management from the perspectives of creating healthy, social and smart work- and living environments.

  • Other courses recommended by students
  • Useful preliminary courses:


    Useful follow-up courses:
    • Corporate Real Estate Management
    • Housing Portfolio Management

  • Survey outcomes (0: low, 5: high)
  • Time input: You need to be logged in to view this content
    Difficulty: You need to be logged in to view this content
    Fun to do: You need to be logged in to view this content
    Interesting: You need to be logged in to view this content
    Application to practice: You need to be logged in to view this content
    Gained knowledge: You need to be logged in to view this content
    What did people like (in year 2020-2021): You need to be logged in to view this content
    What can be improved (in year 2020-2021): You need to be logged in to view this content

  • Additional information
  • Applied skills / methods:
    • DCF method, risk analysis
    • Developing a strategy proposal and consumer research methods on neural networks (like CNET)
    • Insight into preferences of employees in offices
    • CNET, Stakeholder activities and demands
    • Research and general knowledge
    • Working together and working creatively
    • Management methods; methods to investigate consumer preferences
    • Writing an opinion-paper, developing a science park investment strategy and applying the basics of the CNET approach
    • Stated choice experiment through CNET interview
    Project course: 2

  • Metadata
  • Data source: Own survey
    Applied method: Questionnaire
    Response rate: 41%
    Sample size: 18
    Academic year: 2020-2021

  • Disclaimer: The following data has been collected by SERVICE among students that followed Managing Place & Property in 2020/2021. Based on this feedback or other causes, it is possible that the course will have a different set up in the future. Keep this in mind when you use these data for selecting your courses.