Python workshop

  • Join SERVICE, KOers, and of CoUrsE! in a basic or advanced python workshop!
  • 14-11-2023 / 13:30 - 14-11-2023 / 16:30
  • Vertigo

Python workshop

Python is commonly used for developing websites, software, task automation, and data analysis. It is a popular programming language that can be helpful in several courses and during the graduation project.

On the 14th of November, a Python workshop is organized together with Ofcourse and KOers. The workshop will be given in two groups. One group will be taught the basics of phyton, while the other workshop is meant for more advanced use of Python.

Please download Visual Studio Code beforehand, which can be found here.
Before the workshop, you will receive an instruction video to set up the program to make sure everything goes smoothly during the workshop. Make sure you follow this instruction before the workshop!

Only a limited number of spots are available, so please subscribe in time!

Interested? Subscribe here!