Lunch Lecture | Finance Ideas
- Save the date for this interesting lunch lecture by Finance Ideas
- 19-10-2022 / 12:30 - 19-10-2022 / 13:30
- Vertigo Trappenzaal
SAVE THE DATE! Finance Ideas will host an interesting lunch lecture for you including a free lunch. The lunch lecture will be around the following:
Making more impact with social capital by realising future plans in a sustainable and financially responsible way. That, in a nutshell, is what Finance Ideas does. We see financially sound policy as the cornerstone of any business It ensures direction, resilience, connection, flexibility and efficiency of internal processes. Our aim is to use this money as efficiently and effectively as possible. We do this for housing associations, healthcare institutions and institutional investors. Financial advisers Michiel Majoor and Ruud Wijnands will give an interesting lecture on housing corporations during lunch, so do come along!