Masterclass Enginear
- Join the masterclass provided by Enginear!
- 16-02-2022 / 12:40 - 16-02-2022 / 13:20
- MS Teams
At the end of your studies you will start the orientation for the start of your career.
There are plenty of opportunities for you as a young engineer. What is a good way to start your job search?
Career advisor Laurie van Bemmel will give you an insight on what to expect when you will start your orientation, LinkedIn and on how to prepare for job interviews.
Also, you will enter the phase of job interviews and negotiating job offers.
In this workshop career advisor Laurie van Bemmel will give you useful information on what you can expect for your first contract:
- What is an average salary for a young professional in the field of the Built Environment?
- Should I negotiate on the job offer at the start of my career?
- What are differences in terms of employment between companies and positions?
- What are minimal primary and secondary conditions? What is a CAO?
Also you will find the opportunity here to ask all your questions regarding this topic in a Q&A at the end of the presentation!
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