Interim Colloquia

  • Esmee Boereboom, Joost van der Hagen, Maiara B. Uliana, Huiyi Tong and Senna Baijens will present their interim colloquia
  • 17-02-2022 / 11:00 - 07-02-2022 / 12:30
  • MS Teams

Esmee Boereboom, Joost van der Hagen, Maiara B. Uliana, and Huiyi Tong will present their interim colloquia. Are you interested in joining? Send an email to

Esmee Boereboom: Physical activity levels in times of the COVID-pandemic

Joost van der Hagen: Determinants and their weighing on the prioritization of making existing social rental dwellings energy efficient

Maiara B. Uliana: Achieved Accessibility, Transport Poverty and Perceived Well-Being – a Case Study from the Netherlands.

Huiyi Tong: Provide Street Location-based Information on Walkability Potential Using Real-time and Static Urban Data.

Senna Baijens: Exploring the mobility system’s dynamics and its wider impact on well-being