Lunch Lecture Royal Haskoning | NL
- Join us in a Teams meeting with Royal Haskoning to learn about their current developments in Urban Systems, including Smart Traffic Sensors, District E, and the Strategic Plan of Traffic Safety.
- 09-03-2021 / 12:30 - 09-03-2021 / 13:30
- Online (link via subscription)
In this lunch lecture, Royal Haskoning will describe three projects the company is currently working on:
- “Project Inzicht Verlicht”. In this project, ‘smart’ sensors are used to monitor the livability and traffic flow on the intersection of Onze Lieve Vrouwestraat and the John F. Kennedylaan
- District E: the redevelopment of the Eindhoven station area. In this development, traffic and parking is analysed.
- The Strategic Plan of Traffic Safety (Strategisch Plan Verkeersveiligheid). In this plan, a data-driven approach on traffic safety is applied