1-monthly USRE seminar for graduate students

  • Multiple students will present their interim colloquium during the 1-monthly USRE seminar
  • 16-06-2022 / 10:30 - 16-06-2022 / 12:30
  • MS Teams

Lara Andriessen, Maxime Langeslag, Denise de Boer, Mick Ceelen, Timo Robberegt and Ashwan Rampersad will present their interim colloquia. Are you interested and want to join? Send an email to info@service-studievereniging.nl!

Lara Andriessen: ”Building flood resilient cities: Developing a data-enriched 3D city flood simulation model for evidence-based spatial planning support with a Flood Resilience Score.”

Maxime Langeslag: “Characteristics of the meeting place that stimulate social interaction and reduce the feeling of loneliness in social housing.”

Mick Ceelen: “Analyzing small-scale urban green using high-resolution remote sensing and LiDAR data.”

Timo Robberegt: “Perceived sustainability benefits by CRE managers.”

Ashwan Rampersad: “Importance of place attachment for seniors ‘relocation’.”